Pharmacie Meynard

89 Av. de Paris, 33620 Cavignac, France


Pharmacie Pharmacie Meynard

la Pharmacie Pharmacie Meynard vous accueille au 89 Av. de Paris, 33620 Cavignac, France. Découvrez un service de qualité et une expertise inégalée.

Toute l'équipe de Pharmacie Meynard est ravie de vous accueillir pour vous offrir une expérience exceptionnelle. Profitez de notre savoir-faire et de nos services professionnels.

Nos horaires d'ouverture sont les suivants:

Lundi 09h00 12h30, 14h30 19h30
Mardi 09h00 12h30, 14h30 19h30
Mercredi 09h00 12h30, 14h30 19h30
Jeudi 09h00 12h30, 14h30 19h30
Vendredi 09h00 12h30, 14h30 19h30
Samedi 09h00 12h30, 14h30 19h00
Dimanche Fermé
Découvrez d'Autres Pharmacies à cavignac


40 Reviews
Christophe C.

Christophe C.


Very warm welcome, professional staff. Very good service and advice.

Virginie P.

Virginie P.


Very good staff, Very satisfied with the service and advice. Adapted times. Very good follow-up. I recommend this pharmacy!

Lénie L.

Lénie L.


Pleasant pharmacy and the staff are very professional, always with a smile. When I had a problem getting a treatment out of stock, they spent more than half an hour to finally manage to obtain it. A big thank you to the whole team.

Virginie A.

Virginie A.


ATTENTION ! This is not a grocery store! According to the owner's statement... Following a request for advance treatment taken every month... It's true, sorry, I didn't see that I no longer had any medication and I should have done so in advance but to compare it to a grocery store… In short, I think they have enough customers! To the point of letting their own customers leave like that without doing anything for them!

Brigitte V.

Brigitte V.


For a first purchase from them, I am very satisfied. Competent, friendly, very good advice, available... it's almost a pleasure to be sick because I've never experienced such service before! THANKS.

Pharmacie Meynard

89 Av. de Paris, 33620 Cavignac, France

Ce numéro valable 5 min n'est pas le numéro du destinataire mais le numéro d'un service permettant la mise en relation avec celui-ci. Pourquoi ce numéro ?

Heures d'ouverture

Lundi 09h00 12h30, 14h30 19h30
Mardi 09h00 12h30, 14h30 19h30
Mercredi 09h00 12h30, 14h30 19h30
Jeudi 09h00 12h30, 14h30 19h30
Vendredi 09h00 12h30, 14h30 19h30
Samedi 09h00 12h30, 14h30 19h00
Dimanche Fermé

site: Pharmacie Meynard