Pharmacie Croix Dampierre

Cc Croix Dampierre, Av. du Président Roosevelt, 51000 Châlons-en-Champagne, France


Pharmacie Pharmacie Croix Dampierre

la Pharmacie Pharmacie Croix Dampierre vous accueille au Cc Croix Dampierre, Av. du Président Roosevelt, 51000 Châlons-en-Champagne, France. Découvrez un service de qualité et une expertise inégalée.

Toute l'équipe de Pharmacie Croix Dampierre est ravie de vous accueillir pour vous offrir une expérience exceptionnelle. Profitez de notre savoir-faire et de nos services professionnels.

Nos horaires d'ouverture sont les suivants:

Lundi 09h00 20h00
Mardi 09h00 20h00
Mercredi 09h00 20h00
Jeudi 09h00 20h00
Vendredi 09h00 20h00
Samedi 09h00 20h00
Dimanche Fermé
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202 Reviews
Christelle M.

Christelle M.


Receiving unwelcome customers or patients makes you distant or even discourteous. Rules exist in pharmacies. It's like in all areas. People don't care. To see with CPAM or mutual insurance companies! The medical staff are tired! We need it unfortunately. Make an effort ! Do you know decency and respect?




where are all the elders? they only remain young recruits discussing among themselves, not caring about the PATIENTS! it would be time to remind them that in a pharmacy you don't buy candy and their personal lives, we don't care!!!

Francine D.

Francine D.


I moderate my enthusiasm after a visit that day when I needed to be relieved of a medication. Received by a preparer and even a pharmacist, both lacking basic empathy. Ladies, change jobs... I had to contact the owner to be heard. Maybe these people were right in substance but clearly the form was lacking. I no longer want to be served by these 2 people and if that is not possible, I will change pharmacies after several decades of loyalty, here is my first opinion: A customer for many years, I will not change because they are very well advised. I am surprised by the unfavorable opinions on friendliness. This has happened to me only once in these many years and I no longer see this person. Very satisfied




.My recent visit to this pharmacy was an unpleasant experience, mainly due to the attitude of the saleswomen. They seemed completely disinterested in my presence and acted extremely cold. When I asked questions about certain products, I received short answers, without any explanation or helpful advice. It is obvious that they were not willing to help or provide quality customer service. I felt judged and uncomfortable throughout my visit. As a customer, I expected to be treated with respect and receive assistance when shopping for health products. Unfortunately, this pharmacy clearly failed to meet these expectations. I don't recommend it if you're looking for friendly customer service and proper advice.

Johanna D. P.

Johanna D. P.


Good job !

Pharmacie Croix Dampierre

Cc Croix Dampierre, Av. du Président Roosevelt, 51000 Châlons-en-Champagne, France

Ce numéro valable 5 min n'est pas le numéro du destinataire mais le numéro d'un service permettant la mise en relation avec celui-ci. Pourquoi ce numéro ?

Heures d'ouverture

Lundi 09h00 20h00
Mardi 09h00 20h00
Mercredi 09h00 20h00
Jeudi 09h00 20h00
Vendredi 09h00 20h00
Samedi 09h00 20h00
Dimanche Fermé

site: Pharmacie Croix Dampierre