Pharmacie du Scorff

152 Rue Jean Jaurès, 56600 Lanester, France


Pharmacie Pharmacie du Scorff

la Pharmacie Pharmacie du Scorff vous accueille au 152 Rue Jean Jaurès, 56600 Lanester, France. Découvrez un service de qualité et une expertise inégalée.

Toute l'équipe de Pharmacie du Scorff est ravie de vous accueillir pour vous offrir une expérience exceptionnelle. Profitez de notre savoir-faire et de nos services professionnels.

Nos horaires d'ouverture sont les suivants:

Lundi 09h00 12h30, 14h00 19h30
Mardi 09h00 12h30, 14h00 19h30
Mercredi 09h00 12h30, 14h00 19h30
Jeudi 09h00 12h30, 14h00 19h30
Vendredi 09h00 12h30, 14h00 19h30
Samedi 09h00 12h30
Dimanche Fermé
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22 Reviews
Petel L.

Petel L.


Pharmacist who was on call Saturday and who did me a great service! thanks to him

Jupi D. 5.

Jupi D. 5.


An excellent pharmacy. Everyone there is very kind, professional, caring and attentive.

Estelle C.

Estelle C.


Very warm welcome, smiling, attentive and gives very good advice on medications that can be purchased without a prescription




After a brief trip to the emergency room, I bought some calmosin for my baby's stomach aches. I was surprised when the price was announced (21€) compared to 9€ on average in other pharmacies. When I ask what justifies this price, I am told that it depends on the wholesaler. I learn that their purchase price is €15 but the advisor tells me that they don't make a margin. Find the mistake...

Beatrice c.

Beatrice c.


A by Madame Guillou very kind and welcoming for 3 years I have never set foot again like my son a little brunette who will recognize himself received us badly on several occasions nasty brittle mocking and the boss not always cooperative I was a customer diligent for more than 25 years, I found a pharmacy where I am always well received

Pharmacie du Scorff

152 Rue Jean Jaurès, 56600 Lanester, France

Ce numéro valable 5 min n'est pas le numéro du destinataire mais le numéro d'un service permettant la mise en relation avec celui-ci. Pourquoi ce numéro ?

Heures d'ouverture

Lundi 09h00 12h30, 14h00 19h30
Mardi 09h00 12h30, 14h00 19h30
Mercredi 09h00 12h30, 14h00 19h30
Jeudi 09h00 12h30, 14h00 19h30
Vendredi 09h00 12h30, 14h00 19h30
Samedi 09h00 12h30
Dimanche Fermé

site: Pharmacie du Scorff